Since we have been in this business we have never had any major problems or accidents with our vehicles as we take special care not to rent them at all costs and to anyone. So, if you are inexperienced or if we conclude that your safety might be at risk with any type of vehicle you intend to rent, we will strongly recommend you rent another one more suitable to your experience and abilities. Nevertheless, you are presented with the contract samples that you can read through and which have been made to protect us in the event of any issues that might occur during your renting of a vehicle. To many of the less relevant articles of the contract we tend to turn a blind eye since these are minor issues. Still, you should always be aware that the vehicles we rent are not merely toys and as a result it would be advisable for both, you and us, that you not treat and operate them in an irresponsible manner… In short, the most important thing for you is that you have third party insurance with scooters and that you have to pay for any eventual damage that you might cause on them. If you heed the advice which we give to all our potential clients, namely that you operate and treat the vehicles with the same care you would your own, we are 99,9% sure there will be no problems of any kind whatsoever. Be that as it may/In any case, we strongly advise you to read the renting contracts and to adhere to the conditions stipulated in them in order to maximize your experience and our service to our mutual satisfaction. |