1. The renter must personally sign the rental agreement and consent to the provisions of the agreement. Renter also agrees to use the Scooter in a careful, safe, and conscientious manner. 2. During the use of the rented vehicle, the renter shall be insured against liability for third party damage in accordance with the Croatian statutory regulations and insurance rights. Renter is responsible for any damage caused to the Scooter and/or himself during the rental period ( unless a damage occurred in a traffic accident for which a third party is responsible with a police report as evidence ) including damage caused by other cars while the scooter is parked. It is the responsibility of the Renter to park the Scooter in a manner that eliminates, or at least greatly reduces, the possibility of contact with other vehicles. Renter may be responsible for damage caused to 3rd parties while operating the Scooter if he/she breaches terms about driving under alc,drugs or medic.or if scooter is driven on unpaved roads.The amount of eventual damage incurred through a fault of the renter shall be collected immediately by Titan-rent according to the spare parts price list of the vehicle. In the event of a major traffic accident, the renter is required to call the police that will make up a report and protect the vehicle during the procedure if possible. 3. The costs of gasoline are not included in the rental-rates. The scooter must be returned containing the same quantity of gasoline the scooter contained the moment it was rented. If such is not the case a refuelling cost charge of 20 eur will be charged. The renter of the scooter must use only eurosuper 95 gasoline. In case of stranding because of not refilling the fuel tank on time an extra charge of 50 eur will be added to your bill if you call Titan rent road assistance. 4. Driving on non-paved dirt roads is strictly prohibited for several reasons.Greater risk for accident and insurance lost.Harmful dust inhalation to the engine and damages on tires and chassis of vehicles.Some of our scooters are equuipped with a GPS receiver and if evidence of dirt road usage has been discovered, the security deposit will be held. 5. In addition to paying the rent, the renter must leave a security deposit of 50 to 200 €.(depends on the model) Upon expiry of the rent, the deposit shall be returned to the renter, provided the renter does not breach any provision of the agreement. The renter also agrees to leave his passport or identity card until return of the vehicle. 6. If the renter terminates the agreement earlier for any reason whatsoever, the money paid for the rent shall not be refunded. 7. The renter shall lose the right to return of the deposit in any of the following cases:-If he/she uses the vehicle for transport of more than two persons-If he/she makes the vehicle available for driving to persons not specified in the agreement-If he/she drives on non-asphalted roads/Off road .-If he/she breaches/violates any other provision of the rental agreement 8. If at any time Titan-rent discovers that the Renter has engaged in an unsafe or hazardous use of the Scooter or the Renter has violated any rental agreement term,Titan -rent may immediately terminate the rental. Upon notification of termination, Renter must return the Scooter to the designated return area immediately. If the rental is terminated for unsafe or hazardous use, the Renter will pay only for the time the scooter was away from Titan-rent but the security deposit will be held until a full inspection and eventual repairs can be performed at the Renter’s expense. 9. Renter must inform Titan-rent of any mechanical issues or breakdowns as soon as they appear and discontinue operation of the Scooter until the issue can be rectified.Without the prior approval of Titan-rent no one may service or repair the rented scooter. Renter will be held responsible for all unauthorized repairs. Titan-rent, at its discretion, will send a replacement Scooter to the location of the broken down Scooter and the Renter's rental time will either be extended or refunded for the unused time..If replacement Scooter is not available at the time, renter can choose between money refund or any other option that Titan-rent can offer 10. It is forbidden to leave the island of Korcula without permission of Titan-rent. 11. By signing the agreement, the renter acknowledges he/she has accepted the vehicle in a clean and proper condition and undertakes to return the vehicle in the same condition. All vehicles should be returned clean as they were when rented. Any vehicle not returned clean will be charged an extra fee for cleaning it.It is forbidden to wash or clean vehicles to hide off-road driving 12. In the event of a dispute arisen from this agreement, a court in Korcula shall have the jurisdiction. |